Our pilot Frantisek is a registered pilot of unmanned aircraft, authorized to fly according to the L2 regulation and supplement X of the Aviation Act. As the operator and pilot, he/she bears all responsibility for the actions associated with flying and filming. In addition, liability insurance for aircraft operation is a matter of course, up to several million crowns.
It is the pilot’s responsibility to ensure that the aircraft operates flawlessly and to clear any additional clearances beyond the standard flying conditions before each event.
If you are interested in filming or other services related to drones, do not hesitate to contact us at honza@frantisekdron.cz or by phone at 723 707 958.
What needs to be done before shooting from the air?
We will arrange all permits at our own expense and ensure the safe conduct of all flights. But it will help us if we have contact form please fill in as accurate a description of the location and intended flights as possible. Based on this information, we create a price calculation, which is usually individual. Therefore, we do not provide a price list on the website.
Along with this, we send feedback and other ideas to clients on the final video or photo. Don’t be afraid to approach us with your craziest wish! But don’t drag us to the airport, Wenceslas Square or Temelín, where it is difficult to get a permit.
“Under Czech legislation, commercial flying without an aerial work permit is prohibited and punishable by heavy fines. The same applies to non-compliance with aviation regulations and laws.”